I think that at this stage of the game, so early on, i would choose the click testing method. I have wire frames now and would find some feedback super valuable before moving any further along. It was intuitive, fun and easy when i did the demo. I did not get frustrated at all, and felt like it was a good visual identifier of where people would go to do what.
Click testing allows me to see where people would go first, and be great fast feedback on if my design is resonating or if i need to change it up. I like the information on the site that said if people get to where they want on one click they are 87% more likely to follow through.
I would use the results to erase areas in my wireframes that led people astray. And i would use it to see where people clicked first, and make sure it is in a recognizable high visibility and intuitive location. If people are needing to scroll near the bottom to find what they are after I would change my wireframes to put that item closer to the top. Unless it was a submit or next button, obviously those need to be after the form they fill in.
If my test result was quite high, then i would move forward with confidence to the card sorting method. This would allow me to make sure that i have clearly labeled titles for all my headings, and that people would expect to find that service in that area. I found this one very fun and also the most thought provoking and open ended. It was hard to know where to place things as there was so many topics and options. The test data was also very scattered and not as easy to synthesis as the click testing. It would be really helpful to see what could be simplified and paired down. Like in the text demo we did they could move forward with every category that scored over 80% and then do another test.
The last thing i would choose personally would be the tree method, as navigation lists on a mobile app are not super intense and things are not buried very deep under a heading. I think this would be more helpful for my webstore for my business, as I have been having SUCH a hard time deciding how to do my navigation through my 2000 items I sell. In the real store i can do displays and keep things in areas, but online it is much harder. Thank god for the search option or I am not sure people would find anything. This exercise really has been helpful, I am going to do a wire frame of my webstore in my own time, and see if and how i can improve it. I have put so much work into it, and a lot of traffic is getting there – but sadly only 1-2 people are buying out of like 500-800!!! so i need help big time!!!
Is there any students that need a test subject?? that could help me out?? Just as a total aside…