My Team Deliverables in the RACI chart define who is responsible, accountable, consulted and informed of the project underway.

  • Project Manager – Ultimately they are in charge of the project and the team, but specifically responsible to execute the timeline and budget. I have an A in brackets beside the R’s there.  AND an A beside client meetings and making sure the product passes all the quality control tests, because if they are managing the project they need to make sure that the clients are getting what they want.  They are to be consulted about copy deck just to make sure the intended copy makes sense for the message they are portraying, but other then that I have them being informed of the progress for all other things.
  • Account Manager – Is only responsible for the client meetings.  They are consulted with all other details around designing the product so that it meets the clients specifications.  And then simply informed about sitemap, coding, and wireframes since that is more to do with execution of product.
  • UX Designer – I Made my UX designer co-responsible for the client meetings and the wireframe since they are largly just consulted with the jobs referenced here.  They are responsible for the initial research and ensuring that the company is delivering the correct product that the client wants, so I feel like they could be useful sitting in on meetings and having a bit more input in the design.  They are consulted on all other things and simply informed about the budget and sitemap since their billable hours has mostly been done already and the sitemap is more to do with SEO
  • Content Writer – A lot falls on the content writer, they are responsible for the sitemap, the copy deck, and researching the keywords.  I have them consulting with the timeline, budget and style guide because content writing is a massive time suck, it is the bulk of the online media and marketing, so they must be in the loop with when things need to be done and how much money is allocated to developing content. I also feel it is important to follow the style guide to stay on brand.  I have them informed of all other things
  • Designer – Responsible for the wireframes and styleguide primarily and they are to have consulting input into the coding, qa testing, and sitemap for good ideas and general directions if it makes sense to the user and the company.  They are also consulted on timeline to keep things moving.  They are informed of all other things
  • Developer – Responsible for the coding and the qa testing.  Consulted with the timeline, budget, sitemap, wireframe, and styleguide since the coding must all be done or there is no product and they need to get paid for their work.  So it is important they know about those and have input as well as the output of the design, and how to code it to make it look great, so there would be a lot of collaboration there with style and frame.  They are informed of other things.